Just a cup of Gie


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up up away!

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My my! Finally I'm going away. On a trip. Overseas!

How I miss my 'past life' when travelling is part of the job; packing my luggage is my everyday life and DFS is my second home. Sigh... I miss the smell of perfume counters...But anyway this time's different. It's not for work but a personal R&R trip with Skew to a nearby island. Unbelievable as it may sound, I've been stepped foot on anywhere in Indonesia.

The intention is to get me out of this crazy red dot (a major event just ended) and the 45-min boatride will see me drinking cocktails by the poolside and stuffing myself with the much-raved about seafood. No schedules, no itineraries. Enough of planning! (Tells you how mental my job drove me to)

So, my bags are packed and I'm raring to go! Already, my stomach feels sick with excitement as I'm writing this piece. ;))

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