Just a cup of Gie


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more on that christmas party

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Birthday celebration was part of the Christmas party and being a December baby *ahem* for obvious reasons, I was excited at the thought of... the cake! Dear Lesley my partner-in-crime at work was in charge of the party's planning and she asked me where we should get the birthday cake from.

"The Patissier!!" I squealed. The confectionery is one of my few favourites. It's true. I don't fall in love with cakes as quickly / easily as I do with dark chocolate.

Anyways, a turn of events had us scrambling for alternatives as things didn't work out with The Patissier. We suddenly thought of our good friend Chef Roberto whose Garibaldi group of restaurant recently opened a confectionery shop, DeSte. We were told that Chef Stefano Deiuri was really busy but he gamely agreed to do us a... 10kg(?) cake.

100 points!!!

The November/December birthday celebrants.

I'm still trying to find out but I'm guessing that the cake served was the Piedmont Pave - Chocolate sponge and cream cake with praline and Piedmont hazelnut cream. *Slurp~!*

I am just trying to say... it's damn farking good. It's high time we take notice of better quality cakes, up the standard of our expectations for cakes. Move away from neighbourhood cake shops once a while and venture into the likes of The Patissier and DeSte. It's worth every penny you pay for. ;)

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