Just a cup of Gie


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which side of the see-saw

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I asked this question many times, "Which would you choose: To love someone more than he loves you OR to have someone love you more than you love him?"

Most people are lazy (as I see it); they prefer to be on the heavier end of the see-saw. The one receiving more, that is.

I'm not sure. How could I possibly shortchange someone I love?

Two days ago, I was overseeing the unstuffing of freight container at my vendor's warehouse when an Indian man came to me. He gestured towards my workers, who were unloading the furniture. Amidst the gibberish and thick Indian accent, I figured he was asking for a 'part-time' job by helping us to unstuff the container. No free lunch of course. I've had one time too many of such expereince in India. I knew he would ask for money. So I shook my head and hoped he'd have gone away. Anyway, I knew I had no money to pay him for his labour. After several unsuccessful attempts to locate a HSBC atm machine, I still had no luck and have spent my remaining bucks on a taxi fare.

A few minutes after talking to my vendor in his office, I stepped out of the air-conditioned office to find that same Indian guy moving my equipment and furniture, alongside with my crew. Quickly I warned them that the 'free help' would be askign for money after the job's done. They didn't care; they were more than happy welcoming helping hands. I may not be able to predict the future but I have enough intelligence to sketch out what might happen. The Indian man wouldn't let us leave until we pay him. Something, at least. I felt so bad, having to peel out a lone two dollar note from my note-sticken wallet. I had no choice but still felt so guilty! He helped after all... still, just two dollars?! I felt like a female douchebag, though the truth is... I had no money left! What could I do? Except to feel guilty the rest of the day. That guy simply took my money and shook his head, walking off the opposite direction , while I quickly hopped on the car and drove away.

It's probably irrelevant. But I thought this situation mirrored my question. Do you feel better shortchanging someone's love for you?

I can't. I have a conscience. Then again, what has conscience got to do with love?

Comments (1)

well you did reject that guy, but he insisted on helping. So you shouldn't feel guilty. Anyway, would it have helped if you told him you had no money to pay him?? (that could be insulting to people who genuinely want to help, but well)

As for the see-saw, what's the fun if it's lopsided?